Rifle - NSSF Let's Go Shooting


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George Norton — Breaking the Rifle Athlete Mold

“Jokes and smallbore—that’s what I do!” says George Norton proudly during one of the Olympic Team Trials matches. And he’s really not that far off. You can easily spot the tall, lanky, Army Marksmanship Unit rifle shooter at any match. He’s the one pumping his fist in the air with the wide, agape smile after a win, laughing with his teammates off the range or creating memes for his Facebook page.

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High Power Rifle Competitions — Going the Distance

High Power Rifle competition is one of the most traditional and popular of the shooting sports. It is not merely challenging, it is a historical sport, harkening back to the very origins of civilian marksmanship training and the National Rifle Association (NRA).

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What You Need to Know about Mounting a Scope

At the beginning of the 20th century, telescopic sights, or scopes were rarely seen on firearms. Today, scopes are commonly mounted on rifles and even shotguns and handguns. There are many advantages to having a scope on your gun.

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The Savage Model 110

Among the American success stories in the firearms industry, Arthur Savage’s company ranks along with the best of them. The lever-action Model 99 is still synonymous with the Savage name, but the bolt-action Model 110 has probably been the Savage rifle that has been used by more shooters than any other model.

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Vocabulary—Just What is the Difference Between Rimfire and Centerfire Ammunition?

Ammunition for the modern rifles and pistols we use fall into one of two categories, rimfire or centerfire, and it’s important to understand the differences between them.

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The Winchester Model ’94

Winchester’s rifles are some of the most storied and beloved firearms to have ever graced the rifle range or field, and for good reason. Most in the know consider Winchester Repeating Arms is the company that “won the West” with rifles such as the Model 1866, 1873 and 1876.

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One-Hole Accuracy—The Sport of Benchrest Rifle

“Only accurate rifles are interesting.” Perhaps that sentiment is a bit overstated, especially if you’re new to the shooting sports, but the general desire to shoot more accurately and hit the intended target every time you pull the trigger is not, and it is just that desire that spawned the sport of benchrest.

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Shooting Vocabulary: Long-Action Bolt Rifles versus Short-Action Bolt Rifles

When shopping or reading about centerfire bolt-action rifles, you’ll almost always hear the terms “long-action” or “short-action” used in the firearms’ descriptions. What do these terms mean?

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What is a Modern Sporting Rifle?

Rifles are incredible tools. From a distance, a hunter can take a large animal that will put food in the freezer to feed your family for the year. A farmer can stop a predator or nuisance animal from destroying crops and livestock. And anyone, from homeowner to serious competitor to weekend plinker, can hone their skills with practice and gain proficiency to shoot over distances of a 1,000 yards or more.

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